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Why Attend This Training Course?
The training course begins with an overview of what makes adult learning unique, going through a complete personal evaluation to acknowledge the basic personal trainer types and how to deal with various types of participants. This course is designed to help in enhancing trainers’ training repertoire new strategies and fundamental training concepts.
What Is The Training Course Methodology?
ACAD Corp’s methodology depends on enabling participants to interact and exchange experiences, explore their competencies and achieve their career aspirations, using forward-thinking training arts, such as Theoretical Lectures, Workshops, Open discussion to exchange opinions and experiences, Scenarios, innovative thinking brainstorming and teamwork, Role-play and simulation, and Audiovisual tools and materials. Participants will receive an agenda including training material as a reference, in addition to some extra notes and booklets. Training material will be presented in English and Arabic.
Who Should Attend This Training Course?
This training course is designed for all individuals who need to master training methods and techniques.
What Are The Training Course Objectives?
Acquirethe knowledge, skills, experiences, and behaviors that will help them in the preparation, design and delivery of training programs
Identify the role of a professional trainer at different aspects of training
Describe learning theories and knowledge of learning and training
Describe the training process and system including the processes of needs assessment, training design, training methods, delivery of training, and training evaluation
Apply effective and efficient teaching and instructional techniques
Assess by evaluate personal types and participant types and develop proper training styles
Be able to interact and engage in numerous training practices
Deliver effective mockup training sessions
What Is The Training Course Curriculum?
What is Courseware? Assessing and Conceptual Design
Maximizing your training power: Materials required
The various phases of the training cycle
The use of needs assessment to determine how to meet organizational (training) goals
Degree of emphasis given by organizations to career skills training
Various sources of information relating to learning and training needs, including exit interviews, customers, and end-of-course evaluations, among others
Various methods used to conduct needs assessments
Three necessary components of a behavioral cognitive student learning objectives
Understanding Training and Facilitation
Difference between training & facilitation
Identifying appropriate situations
Gathering materials
Identifying participants’ needs
Reviewing the materials
Identifying and resolving gaps
Creating a lesson plan
Planning for the basics
Adding slack time
Creating a plan b
Design of Content
Why learning is a process and not an output
Difference between pedagogy and andragogy
How to employ Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs in developing and courses programs of instruction
Use of learning theories in designing and developing courses and programs of instruction
Relationship between instructional objectives and instructional strategies
Preparing for the Workshop
Creating a materials list
Gathering participant information
Setting up the physical location
Advantages and disadvantages of the lecture method of instruction
Delivery tips and tricks
Proper use of case studies in courses
Various instructional aids available and how to use them
Use of presentation software to prepare color charts, flipcharts, and handouts
Proper ratio of instructor preparation to delivery time
Encouraging discussion
Dealing with difficult participants
Challenges and solutions
Handling interruptions
Evaluation: A Thorough Overview
Various stakeholders involved in training evaluation
Reasons why organizations often fail to conduct training evaluations
When to conduct training evaluations
Most effective training evaluation method
Importance of performing evaluations frequently during a course
Reason why multiple observations are used in recording a task or activity during needs assessment and evaluation
How trainers improve validity and statistical significance of their exams and other evaluations