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Why Attend This Training Course?
The aim of Managing Financial Crisis training course is to give participants an understanding of the different crisis management methods if a bank or other institution should find itself in a financial crisis. The course discusses the roles and responsibilities of the various agencies that are part of the financial system safety net, and it sets out a framework for the decision-making process for these actors in the management of a financial crisis. In this context, the course discusses issues of micro- and macro-prudential oversight and argues that more needs to be done to ensure accountability, independence, transparency and integrity of the various actors of the financial system safety net.
What Is The Training Course Methodology?
ACAD Corp’s methodology depends on enabling participants to interact and exchange experiences, explore their competencies and achieve their career aspirations, using forward-thinking training arts, such as Theoretical Lectures, Workshops, Open discussion to exchange opinions and experiences, Scenarios, innovative thinking brainstorming and teamwork, Role-play and simulation, and Audiovisual tools and materials. Participants will receive an agenda including training material as a reference, in addition to some extra notes and booklets. Training material will be presented in English and Arabic.
Who Should Attend This Training Course?
The training course is designed for Financial analysts, employees in financial and investment companies, accountants, managers of portfolios and investment monetary fund managers, financial dealers, financial markets organizers.
What Are The Training Course Objectives?
Identify main principles of financial crisis management
Identify investment risks (concept and measurement)
Understand the relation between outcome and risks
Identify the applied framework to indicate the financial failure problem dimensions
Applied framework of the available alternatives to face financial failure
What Is The Training Course Curriculum?
Conceptual Approach to Manage Financial Crisis
Financial statements preparation
Income budget
Retained earnings
Cash flow statement
Financial analysis
Vertical analysis of financial statement
Horizontal analysis of financial statement
Financial analysis by using proportions
Competitors analysis
Investment outcome analysis
Earning contents per assets
Owners' equity earning contents
Advantage of using debt in funding
Average of equity growth
Average of the profits growth
Earnings per share
Investment Risks as an Approach of Financial Crisis Management
Investment definition
Investment outcome measurement
Expected earnings estimations on investment
Required earnings
Temporal monetary value
No –risk earning
Influences in the no- risk return
Risk premiums and credit analysis
Credit analysis steps
Liquidity and operating capital
Financial percentages applications
Comparison and direction analysis
What if analysis
Financial hardship
Capital structure
Profits coverage
Failure prediction
Portfolio Theory
Relation between taking risk and outcome
Relation between risk and return
Risk premium and portfolio theory
Regular risks and irregular ones
Risks definition
Marquez portfolio
Contrast: Standard bias of sole investment return
Contrast: Standard bias of portfolio returns
Efficient reduction
Efficient reduction and benefits indicator for investor
Main assumptions
Capital Market Theory
Theory Progress
Sole factor
Model of capital assets pricing (CAPM)
Capital market line (CML)
Market portfolio
Beta Estimation
Identify the required return
Applied context to indicate Financial Failure Problem Dimension
First: Modern Financial Concept Essence
Second: Framework to re-prepare the financial statement analytical purposes
Analysis program contents
Conceptual basis to classify the balance sheet
Conceptual basis to classify the income statement
Balance sheet preparation
Income statement preparation
Third: Financial decision analysis program
Financing decisions analysis program
Investment decisions analysis program
Forth: Financial results analysis program
Liquidity analysis program
Profitability analysis program
Inclusive analysis of decisions and financial results
Final report about analysis result
Applied Framework: Alternatives to face Financial Failure