Legal Professional Certificate

Code : CL001 | Contracts Management and Legal Skills
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Why Attend This Training Course?
It takes years to gain the practical experience needed for mastering legal competencies needed for accessing the legal business as a free practicing lawyer, legal advisor or in-house lawyer. LPC aims to advance participants’ legal technical qualifications, sharpen their business skills, develop their personal competencies & energize their human values to meet the legal market ethical, practical, and professional requirements. During this course, you will be equipped with all the needed competencies to excel the work of any attorney at law.

What Is The Training Course Methodology?
This training course methodology depends on enabling participants to interact and exchange experiences, explore their competencies and achieve their career aspirations, using forward-thinking training arts, such as theoretical lectures and/or open discussion to exchange opinions and experiences, scenarios, innovative thinking brainstorming. Participants will receive an agenda including training material as a reference, in addition to some extra notes and booklets. 

Who Should Attend This Training Course?
This training course is designed for individuals who hold a legal position at various institutions and bodies and whose work is related to the application of laws, regulations and laws and taking legal decisions.

What Are The Training Course Objectives?
  • Create awareness of the concept, division and sources of law
  • Learn the different types of legislation
  • Create awareness of the types of regulations
  • Relation of regulation to laws and decisions
  • Acknowledge the essence and pillars of the administrative decision
  • Learn new drafting methods for administrative regulations and decisions
  • Know how to resolve conflicts of laws
  • How to prepare and draft contracts
  • Recognize the legal proceedings, initiation of criminal proceedings and the conditions of acceptance

What Is The Training Course Curriculum?
Practice of Legal Work: Terms and Conditions
  • Conditions that must be met during the legal work
  • Tools for successful legal action
  • Laws and regulations
  • International legal treaties
  • Judgments
  • Arbitrators' judgments
  • Local and international legal periodicals
  • Books of jurisprudence
  • Knowledge of grammar
Laws Systems
  • Types of law
  • Issuing the law
  • Entry into force of the law
  • Abolition of the law
  • Interpretation of law
  • Solving conflict of laws
  • Amending the law
Regulations and Decisions
  • Regulations
  • Types of regulations
  • Access to Regulations
  • Interpretation of regulation
  • Termination of the regulation
Administrative Decisions
  • The Administrative decision
  • Elements of the administrative decision
  • Types of administrative decisions
  • Entry into force of the administrative decision
  • Cancelling the administrative decision
  • Suspending the administrative decision
Resolving Conflict of Laws
  • Conflict of laws in terms of time and place
  • Mobile conflict
  • Contracts
    • Concept of the contract- basic elements of the contract
    • Types of contracts
    • Procedures of writing the contract
    • Interpretation of the contract
    • Invalidity of the contract
    • Effects of contract
    • Contract guarantees
    • Means to fulfill the contract commitments
    • Reasons for termination of contract
  • Contract applications (Sales - contracting)
  • Regulations of Writing the Contract
  • Contractual liability and resulting claims
  • Contractual responsibility and basic elements thereof
  • Proceedings arising from contractual liability
Judicial Proceedings
  • Concept of judicial proceedings and the conditions of their acceptance
  • Registration of the case
  • Declaration of action
  • Attendance and absence of litigants and session proceedings
  • Defense arguments, intervention and incidental requests
  • Dismissal, interruption and cessation of litigation
  • Verdicts and their validity conditions and the reasons for invalidity
  • Procedures for appealing the verdict
    • Appeal
    • Rebuttal
    • Motion for reconsideration of the case
Drafting of Legal Memos
  • Memorandum of opinion
  • Memorandum in an administrative investigation
  • Comment memorandum on a verdict
  • Comment memorandum on new legal texts
  • Rules for drafting laws, regulations and administrative decisions
  • Rules for writing contracts
  • Rules for the drafting of defense papers, defense briefs and appeals
  • Practical application

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ACAD Professional Certificate - APC
ACAD Training & Consulting uses the power of its network to bring about positive, tangible change. We champion the training courses profession and the interests of individuals, engaged in that profession, for the benefit of all. ACAD Professional Certificates are designed for those who are enthusiastic to challenge themselves to reach the extra mile. Participants who fully attend an APC course and successfully pass the exam on the last training day, will receive an ACAD Professional Certificate (APC). APC are regionally recognized and can be esteemed when applying for more senior roles in Egypt and MENA region.

Exam Details:

Duration: 1 hour | Multiple Choice | Closed book | Pass mark: 65%

Course Schedule

07 - 11 Jan
10:00 AM To 3:00 PM
Cairo, Egypt
02 - 06 Jun
10:00 AM To 3:00 PM
Cairo, Egypt
22 - 26 Sep
10:00 AM To 3:00 PM
Cairo, Egypt

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