How To Prepare An Efficient Internal Auditor?

Code : FA010 | Accounting and Finance
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Why Attend This Training Course?
Changes in the regulatory and corporate governance environment have significantly increased the expectations that many stakeholders place on the internal audit function.  This course guides internal auditors through the required standards for performing the internal audit. It covers up-to-date tips and tools to accomplish the audit in an efficient, flexible, and results-based manner in order to support the organization's strategic objectives, improve its sustainability and leverage its ability to face future challenges.

What Is The Training Course Methodology?
ACAD Corp’s methodology depends on enabling participants to interact and exchange experiences, explore their competencies and achieve their career aspirations, using forward-thinking training arts, such as Theoretical Lectures, Workshops, Open discussion to exchange opinions and experiences, Scenarios, innovative thinking brainstorming and teamwork, Role-play and simulation, and Audiovisual tools and materials. Participants will receive an agenda including training material as a reference, in addition to some extra notes and booklets. Training material will be presented in English and Arabic.

Who Should Attend This Training Course?
The training course is designed for technical and middle departments that help senior management in offering both the required information and analysis to make investment decisions, particularly,
  • Financial departments
  • Projects evaluation units
  • Information analysis and collection units

What Are The Training Course Objectives?
  • Illustrate the internal auditor job aspects, standards that control his performance
  • Prove your willingness to invest in your own development and demonstrate commitment to the profession
  • Gain skills in field of interviews running for accurate information fulfillment
  • Improve internal audit skills and knowledge, by building confidence in your knowledge of the profession
  • Acquire skills in field of assuring the applications of the accepted accounting principles, financial, managerial policies of companies and evaluate data credibility range
  • Focus on problems that come from the changes in nature, attributes of internal control systems and internal audit methods as a result of computer usage

What Is The Training Course Curriculum?
Internal Control Development
  • Internal audit and internal control
  • Manual internal control systems elements
  • Importance of Internal audit in internal control system
  • Plan for the internal audit process
Internal Audit Values
  • Evidence in internal audit
  • Internal control system for
    • Assets and liabilities
    • Expenditures and revenues
  • Evaluation of manual internal control system
  • Internal control and human behaviors
Development of Goals
  • How does auditor behave?
  • Building of a capable technical management
  • Use of the modern methods
    • Interviews to information fulfillment
    • Meetings to verbal reports presentation
    • Reports writing
Managerial Audit and Performance Evaluation
  • Managerial audit integrated spam
  • Relative importance of the auditor role in making decisions
  • Statistical samples use in audit
    • Value
    • Role of quantitative methods in audit process efficacy
  • Group performance evaluation through the estimated budgets
  • Deviations analysis according to the responsibility centers  

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ACAD Professional Certificate - APC
ACAD Training & Consulting uses the power of its network to bring about positive, tangible change. We champion the training courses profession and the interests of individuals, engaged in that profession, for the benefit of all. ACAD Professional Certificates are designed for those who are enthusiastic to challenge themselves to reach the extra mile. Participants who fully attend an APC course and successfully pass the exam on the last training day, will receive an ACAD Professional Certificate (APC). APC are regionally recognized and can be esteemed when applying for more senior roles in Egypt and MENA region.

Exam Details:

Duration: 1 hour | Multiple Choice | Closed book | Pass mark: 65%

Course Schedule

11 - 15 Feb
10:00 AM To 3:00 PM
Cairo, Egypt
14 - 18 Jul
10:00 AM To 3:00 PM
Cairo, Egypt
27 - 31 Oct
10:00 AM To 3:00 PM
Cairo, Egypt

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