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Why Attend This CMP Certification Course?
Many business leaders worry that becoming more "market-oriented" requires compromising mission, and they struggle to find marketing strategies that can win support while advancing their vision. In this environment, new marketing approaches are needed that can help you position your business for different markets, make the most effective decisions, and deeply engage your customers.
At this certified marketing professional course, you’ll take the next step toward becoming a strategic marketing specialist. You’ll master essential strategic marketing models—and their real-world applications. And you’ll get the strategic
marketing knowledge and tools you need to increase the spending rate of current customers and cost-effectively acquire new ones, integrate your strategic marketing mix elements with corporate goals and maximize the benefits of designing a marketing plan.
This CMP certification course is fully accredited by the Sales and Marketing Institute (SMI) International based in Australia. Participants who complete this course earn the eligibility to become Certified Marketing Professional and carry the title CMP® designation, a globally recognized qualification in marketing.
Enjoy the best cost for this cmp certification courses by ACAD Egypt.
What Is The Certified Marketing Professional Training Course Methodology?
This certified marketing professional course certification methodology depends on enabling participants to interact and exchange experiences, explore their competencies and achieve their career aspirations, using forward-thinking training arts, such as theoretical lectures and/or open discussion to exchange opinions and experiences, scenarios, innovative thinking brainstorming. Participants will receive an agenda including training material as a reference, in addition to some extra notes and booklets.
Who Should Attend This Certified Marketing Professional Training Course?
Good marketing is more than just advertising and public relations. It is a vital senior-level management function that helps create, capture, and sustain value for the diverse stakeholders of the company, from the president to employees and consumers. The CMP® certification courses program takes an integrated approach that incorporates program, development, customer service, operations, and communications decisions.
Anyone whose business would benefit from strategic marketing such as:
Marketing managers
Vice presidents
Executives and managers in finance, operations, customer service, R&D and other departments who interact with colleagues in marketing.
What Are The certified marketing professional Training Course Objectives?
Attend this fully accredited course by the Sales & Marketing Institute International (SMI) based in Australia and be qualified to receive the Certified Marketing Professional (CMP®) designation.
Whether you present programs, directly to the company or work with partners for project, this course will give you new insights to:
Identify the best target-customer segments for your business and understand their needs and interest
Learn the stages of the customer buying process—and generate incremental value at each stage
Create differentiation and positioning that attract, serve and keep customers
Efficiently target your strategic marketing campaigns to core buying influences
Discover creative ways to apply marketing principles and practices to compete successfully in today’s environment
Understand the “why’s” behind the basic marketing practices
Successfully develop and manage new product and service launches to
increase overall market share
Begin to think like a world-class marketer as Certified Marketing Professional (CMP®)
What Is The CMP Certification Courses Curriculum?
Creating Customer Relationships and Value
Marketing: Delivering Value to Customers
Discovering Consumer Needs
The Marketing Program: How Customer Relationships Are Built
The Breadth and Depth of Marketing
Developing Successful Organization
The Structure of Today's organizations
Growth Strategies: Where Do We Want to Go?
The Strategic Marketing Process
Scanning the Marketing Environment
Making Responsible Decisions
Technology's Impact on Customer Value
Marketing Matters: Online Tracking is Big Brother
Building your Marketing Plan
Ethical and Social Responsibility for Sustainability Marketing
Nature and Significance of Marketing Ethics
Four Factors Affect Ethical Marketing Behavior
Corporate Culture and Expectations
Understanding Social Responsibility for Sustainable Marketing
Understand Customer Behavior
Consumer Purchase Decision Process and Experiance
How Much is a Satisfied Customer Worth?
Psychological Influences on Customer Behavior
Consumer Perception
Understanding Organizations as Customers
Measuring Organizational Markets
Organizational Buying Objectives
Buyer-Seller Relationships and Supply Partnerships
The Organizational Buying Function and Process and the Buying Center
Understanding and Reaching Global Consumers and Markets
Marketing in a Borderless Economic World
Economics - The Case of Protectionism
Emergence of a Networked Global Marketspace
Cultural Diversity
Marketing Research: From Customer Insights to Actions
The Challenges in Doing Good Marketing Research
The Downside of Data Mining
Sales Forecasting Techniques
Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
What Market Segmentation Means
Steps in Segmenting and Targeting Markets
Two Approaches to Product Positioning
Product Positioning Using Perceptual Maps
Developing New Products and Services
New Products and Why They Succeed or Fail
How Applied Marketing Metrics Can Improve New-Product Performance
The New-Product Development Process
Managing Successful Products, Services, and Brands
Charting the Product Life Cycle
Three Aspects of the Product Life Cycle
Repositioning the Product
Branding and Brand Management
Brand Personality and Brand Equity
Services Marketing
The Four I's of Services
How Consumers Purchase Services
Customer Contact and Relationship Marketing
Importance of Monitoring and Guarantees
Services in the Future
Building the Price Foundation
Price as an inducator of Value
Price in the Marketing
Estimating Demand
The Importance of Controlling Costs
Arriving at The Final Price
Demand-Oriented Pricing Approaches
Value Lies in the Eye of the Beholder
Cost-Oriented Pricing Approaches
Profit-Oriented Pricing Approaches
Competition-Oriented Pricing Approaches
Managing Marketing Channels and Supply Chains
What is a Marketing Channel of Distribution?
How Customers Value is Created by Intermediaries?
Marketing Channel Channel Structure and Organization
Marketing Channels for Consumer Products and Services
Retailing and Wholesaling
The Value of Retailing
Consumer Utilities Offered by Retailing
Retailing Strategy
Positioning a Retail Store
Retailing Mix
Integrated Marketing Communications and Direct Marketing
The Promotional Elements
Integrated Marketing Communications: Developing the Promotional Mix
Stages of Buying Delusion
Developing an Integrated Marketing Communications Program
The Growth of Direct Marketing
Advertising, Sales Promotion, and Public
Developing the Advertising Program
Designing the Advertisement
Different Media Alternatives 509
Carrying Out the Advertising
Using Social Media and Mobile Marketing to Connect with Customers
Comparing Social and Traditional Media
A Look at Four Important Social Media
Integrating Social Media into Today's Marketing Strategies
Measuring the Results of Social Media
Personal Selling and Sales Management
Creating Customer Solutions and Value through Salespeople
Order-Taking Salespeople
Order-Getting Sales-people
Customer Sales Support Personnel
Managing the Marketing Process
Implementing Interactive Marketing
Creating Customer Value, Relationships, and Experiances in Marketplace
Online Customer behavior and Marketing Practice in Marketplace
What Online Consumers Buy
Cross-Channel Consumers Buy
Pulling It All Together: The Strategic Marketing Process
Marketing Basics: Doing What Works and Allocating Resources
Allocating Marketing Resources Using Sales Response Functions
The Use of Marketing Metrics in Marketing Planning
Marketing Planning Frameworks: The Search for Growth