Cathodic Protection Engineering

Code : M014 | Mechanical Engineering
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Why Attend This Training Course?
Cathodic protection plays a key role in corrosion control. This course has been designed to provide participants with an understanding of the basic principles of corrosion mechanisms and focuses on the control of galvanic corrosion by the use of sacrificial anodes and induced current cathodic protection. The participants will learn the main components used in cathodic protection and methods used to safely test them and maintain them. Upon completion of this course, participants should have a better understanding of the technology related to cathodic protection within the industry. Having this knowledge will help each technician develop confidence and professional enthusiasm, therefore, increasing their efficiency. The knowledge that technicians gained from this course will be further expanded by on-job training and practical experience they will receive throughout the duration of their career.

What Is The Training Course Methodology?
This training methodology illustrates the concepts involved in the above areas through practical consideration of actual real-life problems, as well as explanation of concepts by experts in area using video projectors and computer aided case studies based on practical applications. Participants will solve their system problem, where the trainee’s try to apply the skills learnt with guidance from our specialized experts. ACAD will provide participants a comprehensive assessment on the problems solved using the skills acquired in the training course.

Who Should Attend This Training Course?
This training course is designed for Corrosion Engineers and Technicians involved in design, operation, monitoring and maintenance of all types of cathodic protection systems in industrial plants, oil fields refineries, petrochemical plants, power stations and terminals.

What Are The Training Course Objectives?
  • Acquire the background on causes and types of corrosion in plant equipment, storage tanks and pipelines
  • Know the necessary fundamentals of cathodic protection systems function, design, construction, operation and maintenance

What Is The Training Course Curriculum?
Corrosion Principles and Reviews
  • Electrochemistry
  • Galvanic cells
  • Ferrous and non-ferrous alloys
  • Industrial environment
  • Causes of corrosion
  • Forms of corrosion
Cathodic Protection: Principles and Types
  • Impressed Current System
  • Configuration
  • Selection of anodes
  • Design of ground beds
  • Current density
  • Protection current density
  • Difference in potential between
  • Buried structure and soil
  • Copper sulfate half electrodes
Rectifiers, Cables, Ampere and Volt Adjustment
  • Protective coating and tapes
  • Deep well anodes
  • Monitoring, Interpretation and record keeping
  • Solar energy as a source of current
Sacrificial Anodes Systems
  • Applications
  • Types of anodes
  • Anodes selection and limitations
  • Anodes fixation
  • Periodic inspection
  • Modifications
  • Cost of anodes and damaged cables
  • Stray currents
  • Interfering structures
  • Maintenance and repair

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Course Schedule

02 - 06 Feb 2025
10:00 AM To 3:00 PM
Cairo, Egypt
24 - 28 Aug 2025
10:00 AM To 3:00 PM
Cairo, Egypt

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